Curriculum Vitae


2020                     Ph.D., Geological Sciences, University of Delaware

2013                     B.S., Geology-Biology Honors, Brown University


Guimond, J. A., Kurylyk, B. L., & Sohn, R. A. (2024). Seasonal drivers and patterns of sediment temperatures in a New England salt marsh. Hydrological Processes38(2), e15100.

Richardson, C. M., Davis, K., Ruiz-González, C., Guimond, J. A., Michael, H., Paldor, A., Moosdorf, N., and Paytan, A. (2023). The impacts of climate change on groundwater at the coast. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

LeRoux, N. K., Frey, S. K., Lapen, D. R., Guimond, J. A., and Kurylyk, B. L. (2023). Mega-tidal and surface flooding controls on coastal groundwater and saltwater intrusion within agricultural dikelands. Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035054.

Guimond, J. A., Demir, C., Kurylyk, B., Walvoord, M., McClelland, J., Cardenas, M.B. (2023) Wind-modulated groundwater discharge along a microtidal Arctic coastline. Environmental Research Letters.

Mohammed, A. A., Guimond, J. A., Bense, V. F., Jamieson, R. C., McKenzie, J. M., & Kurylyk, B. L. (2022). Mobilization of subsurface carbon pools driven by permafrost thaw and reactivation of groundwater flow: a virtual experiment. Environmental Research Letters17(12), 10.1088/1748-9326/aca701.

Cantelon, J. A., Guimond, J. A., Robinson, C. E., Michael, H. A., & Kurylyk, B. L. (2022). Vertical saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers driven by episodic flooding: A review. Water Resources Research58(11), e2022WR032614.

Guimond, J. A., Mohammed, A. A., Walvoord, M. A., Bense, V. F., & Kurylyk, B. L. (2022). Sea-level rise and warming mediate coastal groundwater discharge in the Arctic. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 045027.

Guimond, J. A., Mohammed, A. A., Walvoord, M. A., Bense, V. F., & Kurylyk, B. L. (2021). Saltwater intrusion intensifies coastal permafrost thaw. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094776. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021GL094776

Sherren, K., Ellis, K., Guimond, J., Kurylyk, B., LeRoux, N., Lundholm, J., Mallory, M., van Proosdij, D., Walker, A., Bowron, T., Brazner, J., Kellman, L., Turner II, B., (2021). Understanding multifunctional Bay of Fundy dykelands and tidal wetlands using ecosystem services – a baseline. FACETS.

Santos, I. R., Burdige, D. J., Jennerjahn, T. C., Bouillon, S., Cabral, A., Serrano, O., Wernberg, T., Filbee-Dexter, K., Guimond, J. A., & Tamborski, J. J. (2021). The renaissance of Odum’s outwelling hypothesis in “Blue Carbon” science. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 255(December 2020), 107361.

Guimond, J. A. and Tamborski, J. J., (2021). Salt marsh hydrogeology: a review. Water, 13, 543.  

Guimond, J. A. and Michael, H. A., (2021). Effects of marsh migration on flooding, saltwater intrusion, and crop yield in coastal agricultural land subject to storm surge inundation. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR028326.

Guimond, J. A., Yu, X., Seyfferth, A. L., and Michael, H. A. (2020). Using hydrological‐biogeochemical linkages to elucidate carbon dynamics in coastal marshes subject to relative sea‐level rise. Water Resources Research, 56, e2019WR026302.

Guimond, J. A., Seyfferth, A. L., Moffett, K. B., and Michael, H. A. (2020). A physical-biogeochemical mechanism for positive feedback between marsh crabs and carbon efflux. Environmental Research Letters, 15(3), 34024.

Seyfferth, A. L., Bothfeld, F., Vargas, R., Stuckey, J. W., Wang, J., Kearns, K., Michael, H. A., Guimond, J. A., Yu, X., and Sparks, D. L. (2020). Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of geochemical controls on carbon cycling in a tidal salt marsh. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 282, 1-18.

Gao, L., Guimond, J. A., Thomas, E. and Huang, Y., (2015). Major trends in leaf wax abundance, δ2H and δ13C values along leaf venation in five species of C3 plants: Physiological and geochemical implications. Organic Geochemistry, 78, 144-152.

Grants & Awards

2024-2027        NSF Hydrologic Sciences, Collaborative Research: Understanding impacts of cold-season coastal wetland hydrology and freeze-thaw dynamics on lateral carbon fluxes (NSF-EAR-2342823)     

2024-2027       NSF Arctic Natural Sciences, Collaborative Research: Drivers and Biogeochemical Implications of Saltwater Intrusion Along Arctic Coastlines (NSF-OPP-231603)         

2020-2022          NSF Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellowship (NSF EAR-PF-1952627) ($174,000) 

2019                     Professional Development Award (2), University of Delaware ($1,000 • 2)

2018-2019           Doctoral Fellowship, University of Delaware($30,000+tuition)

2018                     Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) Biennial Travel Grant, CUAHSI ($500)

2017-2018           Delaware Sea Grant & National Estuarine Research Reserve Fellowship ($9,695)

2016-2018           Carski Family Fellowship, DENIN ($67,000 + tuition)

2017                     Wharry Research Grant ($1,500)

2016                     Graduate Research Grant, Geological Society of America ($1,875)

2012                     NASA RI Space Grant/Brown University Teaching and Research Award ($4,500)